The first RHAND on D’ Road for 2010 targeted members living in San Fernando and Environs. The venue was the Royal Hotel, 46-54 Royal Road, San Fernando. The programme began at 2:30pm with Mr. Trevor Percival – the Vice President and Education Committee Chairman serving as the Chairman of the afternoon’s proceedings. Mr. Martin Minguell, – President attended and delivered the President’s Address.
The programme progressed smoothly with some interesting and thought-provoking contributions which prompted questions even before the question and answer forum.
The presenters included Ms. Tenley Walker – Manager Marketing and Member Relations and Mr. Ainsley Andrews- Manager Credit Administration representing RHAND who touched on the wide range of financial and non-financial products and services offered by the Credit Union.
Once the formal part of the proceedings were completed, members were invited from the audience to draw for door prizes as is customary and the programme ended with the service of light refreshments, tea, and juice at 6:00 pm.
The winners of the door prizes were: Dollia Roop-Persad, Margaret Eversley-Diaz and Anna Leah Deonarine, two members and one prospective member respectively.
The Management and staff of RHAND Credit Union would like to thank all of the members, and prospective members, that attended the forum. We look forward to interacting with more of our RHAND family when we take RHAND on D’Road to East Trinidad and Tobago later this year!