A call for Nominations to serve on the Board of Directors

Dear Members,
It’s nomination time again!
Are you:
- in good standing in accordance with the Bye-Laws of RHAND?
- willing to volunteer and committed to serve?
- in possession of a basic knowledge of the Co-operative/Credit Union Philosophy?
- suitably qualified to serve?
Your Credit Union needs you.
You are invited to add value to our Credit Union by serving on the Board of Directors. Nomination Packages are available at our Offices located at Port of Spain, Arima and Tobago or electronically at rhand.org.tt by clicking the Board of Directors link below:
Submit your completed Nomination Form by email to nominations2022@rhand.org.tt OR by hand in a sealed envelope addressed to:
The Secretary, Nominations Committee
RHAND Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited
57 – 61 Abercromby Street
Port of Spain
Nominations are accepted until Thursday 14th April, 2022 at 12:00 noon for drop-box and 4:00 p.m. for electronic applications. Late submissions will not be accepted.