Members, due to the shortfall of Nominations received from the Nomination Campaign AGM 2023 which closed on January 9, 2023 it has become necessary to re-open the Campaign for Nominations for the Board of Directors, Credit and Supervisory Committees.
Nominations previously received by the Nominations Committee remain valid and candidates need not re-apply.
Are you:
- 18 years and over, in good standing, not bankrupt
- not an employee of RHAND, or member of the Statutory Committees or internal Auditor of another Credit Union
- of sound mind, of Good Character
- have not served the maximum of two consecutive terms on any of the Statutory Committees
- willing to volunteer and committed to serve.
Nomination packages are available at our Offices located at Port of Spain, Arima and Tobago or via the links below:
Submit your completed Nomination Form by email to nominations@rhand.org.tt OR by hand in a sealed envelope addressed to:
The Secretary, Nominations Committee
RHAND Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited
57 – 61 Abercromby Street
Port of Spain
Deadline for submission of nomination: Thursday February 9, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. NB: Late or incomplete submissions will not be entertained.
RHAND’s Core Values: Respect, Integrity, Honesty, Fairness and Trust