Chess Tournament Back in Tobago
Mr David Maynard, General Manager of Rhand, left, looks on at participants in the Let’s Play Chess Training Programme in Tobago.
9 Dec 2009

The revival of the sport of chess in Tobago takes another giant step on Saturday when the first open tournament in some 20 years takes place at the Rhand Credit Union branch office in Scarborough. The event comes at the end of a ten-week programme, entitled Let’s Play Chess, which offered Tobagonians, including youngsters and their parents, the opportunity to learn and enjoy the royal game.
The programme, a joint initiative of Rhand Credit Union Society and the T&T Chess Foundation, marked the return of chess activity in the sister isle after several years. Saturday’s rapid play tournament, a natural follow-up to the training programme, begins at 1 pm. Rhand’s general manager David Maynard, a veteran cheesiest himself, explained that the Society had decided to add chess to its Membership Skills Development Programme (MSDP) which has been helping members develop personal self-sufficiency in a number of skilled areas.
“The Society lives its motto of ‘People Helping People’ in all its interactions, both financial and social,” he added. “It is committed to ensuring not solely the personal financial empowerment of its members, but theiMr David Maynard, General Manager of Rhand (left) looking on at participants in the Let’s Play Chess Training Programme in Tobago.r educational development as well.” In pursuit of this objective, Maynard said, the Society assessed as critical the need to rejuvenate chess as a sport in the sister isle of Tobago.
Saturday’s contest is free and will feature two categories, one for Beginners and the other an Open section for all comers. Prizes will be awarded to the first three places in each section.
Interested players can obtain more information from Edison Raphael at 678-0132.
Article Published in the Guardian Newspaper