Traditionally, dividends are distributed between members’ Share and Deposit accounts. This year it was distributed 70% to shares and 30% to deposits.
Post AGM Q&A
AGM 2024
Will this new method change my former method of access to my online banking?
Access to the traditional online banking will be available through the new Member Portal.
In relation to the annual report, what is the difference between: Asset, Liabilities, Equity, Income and Expenditure and how do each of these arise?
- Assets: resources owned by the company that have economic value and are expected to provide future benefits. Assets can include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant, and equipment, among others. They arise from business activities such as sales, investments, and financing.
- Liabilities: represent the company’s obligations or debts that arise from past transactions. They are amounts owed to creditors and can include accounts payable, loans, and bonds. Liabilities are settled through the transfer of assets or the provision of services.
- Equity: also known as shareholders’ equity or net assets, represents the residual interest in the company’s assets after deducting its liabilities. It reflects the owners’ stake in the company and arises from investments by shareholders and retained earnings from the company’s operations.
- Income: also referred to as revenue or sales, represents the amount earned by the company from its primary business activities. It includes sales revenue, service revenue, interest income, and other sources of income. Income increases equity and arises from selling goods or services, interest on investments, and other business activities.
- Expenditure: refers to the amount spent by the company on various activities to generate income. It includes costs such as the purchase of inventory, employee wages, rent, utilities, and other operating expenses. Expenditure reduces income and arises from the company’s efforts to maintain and grow its business.
Together, these components provide a comprehensive view of the company’s financial position and performance.
We would like a South Branch urgently please. Is there going to be one established in 2024?
Your Board has approved the establishment of a RHAND branch in south Trinidad. The goal is to have this branch operational by September 2024.
Is the Education grant limited to only SEA students?
At present, only SEA students can apply and may be awarded education grants (up to 30 students). The Education Committee is committed to exploring the expansion of awarding grants in 2024 to include CSEC students pursuing tertiary studies.
In relation to the Education Committee Report, can any member of the audience in Trinidad and Tobago and online answer any of my questions? If not, can i move for the committee to provide true financial training for its members in banking and commerce.
Thank you for the suggestion. It will be forwarded to the Education Committee for consideration.
At what point in the delinquency does the CU call in the member? How many months of delinquency is the system triggered?
The member is usually contacted 5 to 8 working days into the new month. An account is triggered as delinquent after 30 days.
Is it possible for the Credit Union to take out some form of insurance to secure these non performing loans?
Insurance coverage only yields value upon the death of the borrowing member. Therefore it cannot be used as a primary tool to treat with non-performing loans.
Is there a plan to allow online and mobile banking users to easily transfer funds between RHAND accounts and accounts at other financial institutions, like Republic Bank, without needing to contact RHAND staff?
This is predominantly impacted by the Banks and the difference in legislation that governs the two types of entities. At this time you can transfer funds from any bank to RHAND, but you can visit for more details.
Is it legal to withold shares re delinquent members?
The Credit Union is within its right to withold the withdrawal of shares that are being held against any and all delinquent loans.
Would it be possible for some form of funds to be deducted from loan proceeds and held in the event of non performance of a loan? For example, a member requests a loan of $20,000 and a portion is withheld in the event of non performance. Of course the member would be notified.
Such an arrangment would need to be mutually agreed and may still be insufficient where the arrears exceeds the sum retained.
How are they deliquent if salary deductions are being done for members?
Not all employers facilitate salary deductions.
How it is after a meticulous method having been applied to give a loan there is still a situation of non payment arising?
The best underwritten loan could still become delinquent, especially where the member’s economic or social circumstance has changes such as loss of job or incarceration.
I suggest that, an extra payment be made that it will be the buffer when a payment is made late. This will aid when standing orders are made late.
Your suggestion is noted but will only apply to scenarios where only one payment was missed.
Will there be an option for members to invest and receive interest in US currency as the CU is investing in US stocks?
This suggestion is a noble one. However, the primary challenge will remain the ability to withdraw US dollars from the bank, even if the account has a sufficient balance.
Where in Tobago is RHAND Credit Union located?
The branch is located at eTeck Mall, Sangster’s Hill, which is located behind Port Mall, Scarborough.
Has the Credit Union explored crypto currency as a form of investment? Has there been research done into this type of investment at all?
There is no interest in considering crypto currency as an investment vehicle for members’ funds.
Where is the land located in Tobago?
The land is located Plymouth Road, Scarborough which is about 350 metres or about 10 minutes walk from the highway intersection with Wilson Road.
Are you saying that you lend out other depositor's cash?
All commercial banks and credit unions take deposits from customers/members and in turn lend it out to other customers/members at a rate that will cover operating cost and provide the depostor with a reasonable rate of return.
Is there consideration for a branch of RHAND CU in Central Trinidad, perhaps in an area such as Factory Road Chaguanas, or Couva?
A branch in Central trinidad is not a consideration at this time. We would, however, continue to devleop and promote digital avenues for doing business with your Credit Union.
I made attempts in the past to transfer monies from my Republic Bank account directly to my RHAND account, but there is not that option. Can RHAND Credit Union liaise with the bank to give members that option, instead of me walking the road with cash, and having to declare where I got the cash from?
The online banking platforms of all the major commercial banks allow for transfer of funds to your Credit Union. You may need to get assistance from your respective bank for guidance on set-up.
Is there any consideration for a debit card for members so that they are able to shop online?
RHAND is legislatively restricted from issuing its own debit card. We can however provide the service through a third party and do provide the service through LinCU.
When a member dies what becomes of the Shares?
When a member passes away, up to $50,000 of his/her collective Share and Deposit Savings will be paid to the deisgnated benificiary. Any savings in the excess of that value has to be paid to Executor of the Estate.
Are there any intentions for the percentage to change in 2025?
The percentage is determined annually based on the financial performance of the Credit Union.
What are the future plans for the Security Department or Security on a whole? Given the fact that the numbers are dwindling due to several retirements, illness, and death.
The Credit Union’s security manpower requirements are currently being reviewed given the very factors identified.
What are the KPIs for the Credit Department's reduction of the debt, by how much, and within what period?
The KPI for reducing the delinquency was set by the Board at 5% of the total loan portfolio for the year ending Decmeber 31, 2024.
Are members allowed to use their Shares to vacate a portion of their loans?
Members are allowed to use their Shares to liquidate their loan balances in full. Any decision to apply a portion of someone’s share savings to offset loan arrears may require approval.
AGM 2023
What if anything has been done to recoup the monies from the delinquent loans?
There is a team in Credit Administration Dept dedicated to monitoring, communicating with, and following up with those members whose loans are in arrears. Further, in 2022, the Board approved the additional step of retaining the services of debt collectors to assist by directly contacting or visiting those members that were not satisfactorily responding to the team’s efforts.
How much can you borrow against your share amount currently?
A member may borrow up to 3 times the dollar value of their share savings to a maximum of $50,000. This, of course, remains subject to the relevant borrowing criteria being satisfied. Loan requests in excess of 3 times the value of the member’s share savings can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Why are there applications for Share Withdrawals?
Although it is not advisable, members are free to withdraw from their share savings if the monies are unencumbered. If the member has loan balances exceeding their share savings, then the case can be made by writing to the Credit Committee.
How are members selected for the Patronage Refund?
Members who have paid loan interest during the financial year being reported on are eligible.
There are other credit unions that are advertising that you can borrow up to 5x your share amount. Would RHAND be doing any increase to the 3x amount that is currently available?
As a responsible financial co-operative, RHAND maintains a robust credit policy. Special Board permission is sought, from time to time, to run temporary promotions which may deviate from the credit policy. Though these deviations may be advertised they should not form the basis for policy change. If any member has borrowing needs which exceed their access under the policy, he/she should meet with one of our lending experts for guidance on the best solutions.
My concern is with the way the group health insurance is administrated. I got on the plan last year, shortly after that, the rates increased. However, I feel too often we as members are ``fighting up`` with Genesis, the broker on our own. There are features of the plan, such as `` on the spot claim settlement`` that has never been honored. I feel like more support and management of the broker needs to happen to support members because too often there is conflicting information between the CU and the Broker. I'd like to request that more effort be put in place to ensure brokers actually give us what we're paying to receive. After all we are the customers.
Your Credit Union is actively working directly with the management of the brokerage company and other participating Credit Unions with a view to resolving the service gaps and ensuring that our members receive the level of service for which we are paying.
Why is it that some members are not made aware of the facility to have loan payments waived/paid when the member is on extended sick leave?
Any member facing extenuating personal circumstances is invited to meet with our Credit Committee or Credit Administration Department to see how best we can help.
Kindly explain why we in Tobago are not afforded the privilege of perusing the report at least a week before the AGM. Additionally, the digital copy was uploaded a few days before the AGM.I was informed, that there were some problems uploading same.
Our members in Trinidad and in Tobago are given simultaneous access to the digital version of the published Annual Report via our website. However, we sometimes encounter a short delay in getting the physical copies to Tobago owing to sea-bridge limitations.
Good afternoon, if a member requests a share loan for the purpose of funeral expenses, is there a standard time frame for the share loan to be approved? I visited the Credit Union a few months aback and was told that it would take a week and a half. I queried the information I received, and the request was approved...seeking clarification for future reference. Thank you.
Share loans are usually processed and disbursed within 24 hours. We would appreciate you emailing us more details at on your experience so we can address any service gaps.
What determines ``writing off of a Loan``?
Writing off a loan is an accounting procedure whereby RHAND can no longer count long-delinquent loans as contributors to interest income or to the recorded portfolio size. The “write off” must be approved at an AGM. Note, however, that this does not prevent RHAND from seeking to have the loans repaid.
What does short fall mean?
Your question as posed is unclear. Kindly reach out to us via so we can better address your query.
If a member dies while having a loan that was not yet repaid, what happens to the balance that's not yet repaid? And, if the member has shares in his or her account will that share amount be used to clear off the loan?
Any loan balance in excess of $100,000.00 remains a liability of the deceased member. This balance will need to be paid either by the executor of the deceased’s estate or recovered from the assigned collateral (including any residual share savings balance).
Why is the minimum age for membership 10 years old?
This was approved by the membership after consideration was given to lowering the acceptance age from 18 years.
Can this 6+ minute ``Financial`` Video be made available to interested members? It's quite a bit to digest in this Forum.
Certainly. The Video has since been uploaded to the website and can be viewed here.
What new lending products are there from RHAND?
RHAND offers loans for any purpose, provided that a member meets the relevant borrowing criteria.
What initiatives would be implemented to reduce expenses?
Expenses are a normal feature of any business. However, the Credit Union’s controllable expenses are normally managed in a lean manner. Some of the expense items currently receiving focused attention include:
(i)The Loan Protection Expense, which currently requires further deliberation by the membership.
(ii) The Expected Credit Loss Expense which is being addressed through our continued efforts to reduce delinquency levels; and
(iii) The Investment Losses Expense – at present our ability to recover here is sharply influenced by international macroeconomic occurrences. Our Investment Committee continues to monitor the environment and will execute all suitable strategies in accordance with Board-approved policies.
When is the Credit Union going to consider members in southern Trinidad and open a branch in south Trinidad?
The Credit Union is currently focused on improving our digital presence and functionality in the first instance to minimize members’ needs to visit a physical branch. This will directly affect any accommodation requirements for a physical location in South Trinidad.
Are there any investments to be made in alternative energy. Environment industry/portfolios such as carbon credits? This is a growing industry.
This is not a current focus of the Board but can surely be considered in the future.
I recently learnt that Senior management officers have in their possession a credit card of limit $60,000 for conducting RHAND's business. Is there any truth in this information? If so, how are such officers held accountable in their use of such credit? How is this accounted for in RHAND's books?
RHAND has one (1) corporate credit card issued in the name of the General Manager and managed by the Finance Department. Its use is governed by a Credit Card Policy.
I snooped around asking questions and I was wondering if I'm saving from March to December without taking a loan, up comes December month end and I wants to take my first loan 3× the amount would it be possible?
Accessing a loan depends primarily on your meeting RHAND’s lending criteria. You are invited to contact our Credit Administration Department at to find out how we can help.
Will the RHAND Wealth Mgt Services Ltd provide services to members in areas of trusts, power of attorney, wills?
This is something that can be recommended to the Board of OneRHAND, once established.
What happens to the Loan amount exceeding $100K?
The question, as posed, is unclear. The answer to question 12 above might help.
What are the benefits of the board’s decision that justify 1.2 million going out the door?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
What is the average annual debit to the Loan Protection Account and Allowance account under the current arrangement?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
Can you give us the data to demonstrate where self-insurance costed us more?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
How is cost being reduced by outsourcing/ ensuring?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
Does Rhand still use CUNA LPLS?
RHAND still uses the CUNA LS (Life Savings). The CUNA LP (Loan Protection) was replaced by the Loan Protection Fund in 2009.
That absorbed self insurance expense, is it an administrative expense? Is it the cost of defaults? Can you clarify please?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
Will there be any loss of coverage by using a third-party insurer?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
Could it be that the self insurance spiked mainly because of pandemic deaths and would eventually return to more manageable figures?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
What are the conditions under which the Loan Protection Fund remains?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
So the insurance provider will settle the claims instead of RHAND?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
Will that premium to the insurance company remain the same throughout Rhand existence or as long as possible?
The original proposal to amend the funding arrangements for our members Loan Protection Coverage is being reviewed by this Board for reintroduction to the membership for consideration. A response to the question you raised will be considered in any resubmitted proposal.
Why is there a reduction in dividends?
The dividend for 2022 is a reflection of the financial performance of the credit Union for 2022 while maintaining a healthy financial position.
Is the CUNA Plan in problems as well?
There are no known challenges with the CUNA products.
There is also a concern with LinCU. Why are members being charged for a card that they didn't have over five years. $500 was taken from my account in 2022 for a card I didn't have for a period from 2018 to 2022.
Kindly contact our Member Relations Department at or so we can better understand and address your concern.
AGM 2022
I would like to know if and when an App would be done to make it easy to access one's account?
The development of a Mobile App is scheduled for 2022 and our goal is to have same completed by the end this year.
Can the Chair please advise whether it was a board member or the nominating committee who requested the interpretation?
The Secretary, on behalf of the Board of Directors, requested the interpretation
Review of the Delinquency Portfolio, while there appears to be a decrease in the Ratio, the dollar value amount of the non performing loans increased although there were 6 members less delinquent from the previous year in review and this was not stated thus it is my opinion giving an erroneous status. Is this acceptable?
The loans that made up the portfolio of delinquent accounts would not be the same loans each year as new loans may become delinquent and existing delinquent loans would have been updated.
The reduced number of delinquent loans with an increase in value would best be interpreted as new loans with higher balances fell into arrears while loans with lower balances were brought up-to-date.
What measures are in place re: recovery of loans classified as delinquent so as to further reduce this rate? The dollar value is very high.
There are standard measures used to pursue delinquent loans such as writing, emailing, calling and texting members. A new measure has been implemented in 2022, the use of Collectors, which is a non-traditional approach for RHAND and as such we expect improved results.
Can loans be granted more expeditiously to persons who have enough shares to cover the loan?
All loans valued less than 95% of a member’s shareholdings are deemed Share Loans and are given priority processing. You are invited to contact our General Manager via if you have had an unsatisfactory experience in this regard.
Have we considered programs to help members manage debt?
We currently offer Debt-Consolidation loan facilities. For more information on whether this is right for you, kindly contact our Credit Administration department at
I would like to know why there was no assistance for members who would have lost mostly everything in the 2018 Oropune floods?
In 2018 RHAND assisted 24 members impacted by the disaster, with grants and subsidized loans.
If a member has two loans why can't they use the shares from one of the loan to pay off one of them?
Share savings are the Primary collateral for loans granted by the Credit Union. The shares will not be used to repay one loan if the remaining loan will be fully exposed. Should you wish to discuss the options available to you, kindly contact our Manager-Credit Administration at
What contributed to the increase in assets?
The purchase of the TSTT Building in Arima to house the Arima Branch, together with the substantial growth in the loan portfolio led to the increase in Assets.
Why is the credit union taking very long to close off a loan of someone whom had passed away since 2020?
A number of details are required to facilitate a response. Please contact our General Manager at to provide the necessary information so your query can be addressed.
How often does the Credit Union receive updates or reports as per members death POLICY from Cuna Insurance?
We receive such updates whenever CUNA has new information to share.
What percentage of loans over 100k are currently recorded on the books as a liability in this financial period under review?
100% of loans over $100K are recorded on the books. However, they are recorded as an asset and not as a liability.
On my demise, would my family get my shares or would it go to my loan which is under $100,000?
Once your loan balance is under $100,000 then your named Nominee would be entitled to up to $50,000 from your shares. Any residual amounts in excess of that would go the beneficiary of your estate.
What age can you add someone on your FIP and or remove them to generate their own FIP?
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Has the Board given consideration to the re-opening of in person AGM and/or hybrid version?
While there is a preference to keep RHAND in the modern digital age for our AGMs, the Board is giving consideration to a hybrid configuration.
What became of the property purchased for the building in Arima and did we save money by purchasing the TSTT building? Can this continued questions be given a true answer please?
The land purchased in 2018 to build an Arima branch is presently up for sale. The purchase of the TSTT building where our new branch is located was not only acquired below market value but also provided RHAND with the opportunity to locate the branch in a safer, more convenient and prominent location. Constructing a new building would have resulted in a similar total cost but without the benefit of the rental income we now get from renting a portion back to TSTT.
Did the External Auditors give any recommendations to the Credit Union?
Yes. The Audit Committee of the Board is reviewing same.
Why is the LINCU Card taking so long to process? Three 3 months is unacceptable. Also the reduction the amount per day.
RHAND has little control over the operations of LinCU. We do agree that the both issues raised are of serious concern and we continue to seek alternative solutions.
AGM 2021
How long does it takes for a loan to be approved when sent to the Credit Committee?
The Credit Committee meets twice weekly and approves any loan applications submitted at that time.
Why are members required to bring a utility bill and write a letter stating the reason for requesting a Share Loan that is within their Shares? Isn't this unnecessary for such loan?
The submission of Utility bills are required to satisfy compliance (FIU) requirements. The provision of evidence of loan purpose is also a compliance requirement, but only for loans in excess of $5,000.
What is the criteria for getting a loan valued at $25,000? How much do you have to get on Shares?
Each loan is assessed on its own merit. You can provide your details via email to for a detailed assessment.
What is the maximum tenure for loans given by Rhand? There are other Credit Unions giving loans with longer tenures. Will Rhand consider providing longer terms?
The average tenure for loans is 60 months. However, RHAND also grant loans in excess of 60 months.
Any strict criteria to refinance a loan?
There are no strict criteria. All loans are assessed on their own merit.
How far have we progressed with the establishment of our asset management subsidiary company, ``One RHAND Wealth Management Services Limited``? At what step are we in the process in respect of the finalisation of RHAND Wealth Management Limited Services?
The Market Research and Feasibility Study is still to be finalized. Once completed and approved by the Board, the consent of the membership will be sought to finalize the funding and operaitonalising of the subsidiary company.
What's being put in place to encourage younger persons/youths to join the RHAND Credit Union?
The Credit Union, through the efforts of the Marketing Department and the Education Committee, is actively amending its methods of communication and initiatives to better suit the needs of existing and potential youth members.
What is the Fraser Cummings Foundation? What is its current status?
The Cummings Fraser Foundation was a limited liability entity set up by RHAND to provide financial asisstance to members and other approved co-ooperatives in the areas of health, personal disaster or natural disasters. The last time the fund was used was to assist members impacted by the national flooding disaster of 2018. We are currently seeking to convert its legal status to a Non-Profit Company.
Can it be specified how the $100,000.00 benefitted RHAND members ?
By not transferring the $100,000 to the Foundation fund, we were able to boost the surplus of the Credit Union thereby supporting our ability to pay members the announced dividend and patronage refund.
Do you have plans to institute eSignature so that we can access loans online and not have to come in face to face?
We are continuously working to improve our digital presence in a manner that increases the convenience to the membership, regardless of the nature of your business transaction.
Could RHAND consider negotiating with SAGICOR to reduce the deductible amount for Retirees?
At this time, the volume of claims processed for retirees has made any favourable negotiations challenging. However, RHAND will continue to review the Group Health Plan package with a view to maximizing the benefits to our members.
What particular features/demographics (age, types of loan, amount of loan....... etc.) were observed with respect to delinquent loans?
At this time, a key observation has been that loans to retirees and persons approaching retirement have been a significant contributor to delinquency.
I recently had my son join the credit union and was shocked that his application could not of been processed without a passport size photo. Why was that necessary when part of the requirement was 2 forms of ID that bore photos?
Passport photos are only required for youth applicants (persons under the age of 18).
How long does it take for the approval of an application to join Rhand Credit Union?
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors approve membership application forms every week.
Can a contract worker obtain a loan to purchase a car?
A contract worker may qualify for a loan to purchase a car. However, each loan is assessed on its own merit. You can provide your details via email to for a detailed assessment.
Is it the policy if the Credit Union to not give a loan to a person who is retiring if there is enough money in Shares to acquire loan?
There is no such policy. However, each loan is assessed on its own merit. You can provide your details via email to for a detailed assessment.
How long after joining the Credit Union can you apply for a loan?
You may be considered for loan upon joining the Credit Union. However, each loan is assessed on its own merit. You can provide your details via email to for a detailed assessment.
Can I acquire a loan if I am over 60yrs?
You may be considered for loan if you are over 60 years of age. However, each loan is assessed on its own merit. You can provide your details via email to for a detailed assessment.
Can the time be lessened for funds to show up after there is a transfer from the Deposit Account to the Active Card? It currently takes 2 working days.
We currently do not have any influence on this issue. However, we shall communicate with LinCU on this concern.
If I have a mortgage balance of $300,000. and shares of $60,000. property value $400,000., can I qualify for $100,000 loan?
Each loan is assessed on its own merit. You can provide your details via email to for a detailed assessment.
We were looking at a venue for an office in the Southland some years ago. Is that still being pursued?
A feasibility assessment was conducted by a committee of the Board of Directors over the past 3 months. It was determined that at this time the Credit Union will focus on expanding the availability/accessibility of digital services primarily for the benefit of our members in the Central and South regions.
What is th percentage on Dividends?
A 3% dividend is being paid to members for the financial year ended December 31, 2020.
AGM 2020
On the matter of membership, is there anything that can be done to speed up the approval of membership applications by the secretary?
Membership forms that meet all the requirements are approved and signed off at the beginning of every week by the Board.
How is the question of acceptance determined?
New members are accepted once the membership application form is filled in detail (an active member must sign as recommender) and all required documents are provided.
What is the situation with the proposed change of location for the RHAND Tobago office?
Some challenges and setbacks were experienced due to the pandemic, but both the signing of the Lease and the commencement of upgrading the proposed location are expected by November 30, 2020.
Would the facility have enough parking space?
The proposed acquisition will allow for additional parking.
Is it necessary to stay in Port-of-Spain?
It is the intention of this Credit Union to expand its presence into other parts of the country over the medium to long term.
What about Tragarete Road?
Since the start of the pandemic, all income streams from the Tragarete Road property have ceased. Our Investment Committee will assess and make a recommendation to the Board on the best direction for that property.
A question for other business. How does the capital increase for building expenses affect maximum liability, or was it included in the resolution?
Maximum Liability will not be impacted since we are not borrowing money to fund the acquisition.
What is that liability used for?
The Maximum Liability is a statutory requirement and represents the aggregate ceiling of saving deposits the Credit Union can hold and loans the Credit Union can take. We currently do not have any loans.
What is the justification for the increase in liability?
The increase of the Maximum Liability is required because the value of saving deposits held for our members have increased over the years. Further increases will be required in the future as more members continue to save.
While the motion may have been already adopted, do you think it wise to indebt the organisation to the extent noted in light of these uncertain times? It may require a downsizing rather than upscaling unless it is being considered as a situation of permanence.
As a Credit Union, there will always be value in catering for physical interaction with our members. The proposed acquisition will lend to improving the accommodation for members visiting the Head Office location and the new normal social distancing requirements for staff. We are committed to ensuring that a tangible return on investment is achieved.
There seems to be growth in the Credit Union. Why is the dividend so low?
The declared dividend is a function of the size of Member Share Savings and the Institutional Capital reserve requirements. RHAND remains committed to ensuring priority is always placed on meeting our Institutional Capital requirement and then distribute all remaining funds as dividends to our members.
What about the Arima office? It doesn't have parking there. When will Arima be getting a new office?
We have targeted moving our Arima branch to its own building with better parking accommodation by 2023.
Is there any plan to open a branch in the south of the country? I have been a member for over 20 years and have always had to come into Port-of-Spain to conduct transactions. It was a bit tough today to see a vote passed to acquire another property in Port-of-Spain.
The establishment of a presence in other parts of the country will be incorporated in our Strategic Planning for the next 3 years. In the interim, arrangements are in place to apply for loans online, balances can be viewed via our Online Banking and deposits to your account can be made via any Surepay location.
Is the CUTES System still in operation? The last few times I tried to log on was unsuccessful.
RHAND does not use a CUTES platform.
My daughter and I have accounts at RHAND and I deposit money every month to both accounts. My problem is, every time she needs money I was told she has to come in person to withdraw. This is difficult as she is at school, upper six, and she is 18 years. I asked if I can bring an authorization letter from her and ID and I was told no. As my daughter says, technically mummy it is your money because you put it there and so why can’t you withdraw it for me with an authorization letter? Also what is the reasoning for not having joint accounts?
With her own account your daughter is deemed a full member of the Credit Union with equitable rights as any other member. It is recommended that you both sign up for our Online Banking service – a feature of which is the transfer of funds from your deposit savings to other accounts.
Joint accounts are not provided for under the Co-operative Societies Act.
Does the organisation propose to put any new products on the market within the next two years?
RHAND continuously reviews it suite of products and services and new product development is always under consideration. Any new product suggestions can always be forwarded to us via
Has RHAND been accessing the facility provided by the Government for Soft Loans to members?
RHAND did sign the Government’s MOU but have not processed any requests for that facility.
My question pertained to the increasing of capital expenditure to acquire property. It does not seem wise to purchase physical assets in this time of uncertainty. It can be a burden on members when so many persons may be losing jobs and the economy contracting. So is it wise at this time to make investment in physical property?
Pursuing any investments during a contracting economy usually yield the better long term returns. All investments in physical or other investments are always made in a manner to maximize value to you the shareholders.
What is the interest earned on Share balance currently?
The interest you earn on your Share balance is the annual dividend declared at the Annual General Meeting.
What are the facilities provided with the LinCU Card? Are there any loans attached to it?
Members can transfer funds from their Savings or Loan proceeds to their LinCU Card from which ATM withdrawals, in-store and online purchases can be done.
The bye-law which was not carried, when will it be brought back for voting? Is it at the next AGM?
The Board will determine if and when this bye-law amendment will be tabled.
Are members who are online being given an incentive?
A special AGM loan promotion to facilitate the acquisition of electronic devices, was approved by the Board and made available to members for several weeks prior to and after the AGM.
Given the current state of our economy, attracting new membership may be challenging. Has consideration been given by the current Investment Committee to possibly explore acquiring a couple of strategically located NP Gas Stations with the establishment of a loyalty discount card for members, which would also serve to attract new membership?
Acquisition of gas stations has not been discussed by that Committee. It will be placed on the agenda for discussion in the new term.
With the current economic drop and the uncertainty of how long this will last, will interest rates be adjusted on loans?
Interest rates on loans have been adjusted throughout the year 2020 via our various loan promotions and will continue for the remainder of the year.
As a member living abroad, why do I have to repay my loan and deposit funds through another financial institution and not directly to RHAND?
Please email us at so we can determine what options are available to you.
Would RHAND be looking into programs to assist new and existing members to learn and develop agricultural and technological skills?
Your recommendations will be submitted to our Education Committee for consideration.
With the challenges being experienced with delinquencies, would loan specials be put on hold until 2021?
Loan promotions have not been deferred to address the issue of delinquent loans. However, extra due diligence measures have been put in place to reduce the possibility of granting loans that may become delinquent.
I am new to the AGM. My question is what other initiatives does RHAND have to ``attract`` more members? e.g. Purchasing of lands for possible buyers and future home owners?
Thank you for participating and we look forward to your attendance in the future.
Our bye-laws allow for such initiatives, which have been discussed at the level of the Board in the past. We are currently in the process of establishing a special purpose company that will be able to pursue such ventures without compromising the primary operations of the Credit Union.
Is there a Surepay in Tobago?
Yes, at Dutch Fort and Crown Point.
Would there be an option for funds to be sent from financial institutions to RHAND Credit Union?
That option already exists with most banks. We will soon be posting guidelines for using this.
Will facilities be also put in place to conduct non financial matters remotely such as making adjustments to your FIP?
Please email us at so we can assess your needs and determine if a suitable remote option already exists
I would also like to ask if the special loan offered to purchase computers for this AGM and for educational purposes, if it would still be available after this AGM?
The special loan offer expired one week after the AGM. However, there are other promotions that may be able to assist in meeting your needs.

Experience the RHAND Credit Union difference with excellent options tailored for every stage of your life, the conveniences you expect, and local, personalized service.