RHAND Credit Union
Secondary Entrance Examination (SEA) Scholarship Awards Ceremony 2009
RHAND’s 19th Annual Secondary Entrance Examination Scholarship Award Ceremony was a particularly special event when it was held on October 13th, 2009 on the rooftop of the Credit Union. In addition to celebrating the sixteen awardees who were given five-year scholarships based on SEA 2009, thirteen of RHAND’s past Secondary Assessment Awards (SAA) Awardees were honored for their achievements of gaining National Scholarships in the years 2008 and 2009. Each scholar was given five hundred dollars in the Credit Union Shares and a commemorative plaque.
The Feature Speaker, Reverend Clifford Rawlins delivered words of wisdom to the Awardees and National Scholars. Using the analogy of the tortoise and the hare, he explained how “slow and steady” wins the race. He advised that they should aim to become well-rounded individuals by finding a balance between school and their personal lives.
Entertainment was provided by Mr. Kareem Codrington who delivered a beautiful pan rendition.
SEA 2009 Awardees
Lavnya Ramsaran | David Carter |
Charon Peniston-Miller | K-C Smith |
Dorian Sirju | Zhara Marcelle |
Haille Joseph | Kyle Smith |
Vishaala Dowtal | Jael Clarke (Tobago) |
Leticia Debideen | Kaychelle Padmore |
Ajay Alleyne (Tobago) | Omari Lawrence (Tobago) |
Anna- Leisa Hutton | Kai Gyneé Thomas |
National Scholarship Winners 2008
Adrian Lochan | Karen Moses |
Aneela Ramhit | Kezia Redhead |
National Scholarship Winners 2009
Amrish Persad | Chantal Cave |
Dominique Rouse | Kiara Matthews |
Sadiyah Mohammed | Sharleene Hosein |
Sinead Deokiesingh | Sophia Deonarine |
Yoachim Haynes |